Blockchain FAQ

What is the difference between web3.js and Ethers.js?

Web3.js is a JavaScript library that allows you to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. It allows you to send transactions, read data from the blockchain, and interact with smart contracts. It is a collection of modules that communicate with the Ethereum network via a remote or local node.

Ethers.js is another JavaScript library for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain, similar to Web3.js. It also allows you to send transactions, read data from the blockchain, and interact with smart contracts. However, Ethers.js is designed to be more lightweight and user-friendly than Web3.js. It also provides additional features such as contract testing and deployment, and support for hardware wallets.

Both Web3.js and Ethers.js are open-source libraries, but Ethers.js is more lightweight and user-friendly, and provides additional features such as contract testing and deployment and support for hardware wallets.

Do we need to pay gas fees while reading blockchain?

In general, reading data from the blockchain does not require paying gas fees. Gas is the fee required to perform any kind of operation on the Ethereum blockchain, such as sending a transaction or executing a smart contract function. Reading data from the blockchain, such as reading the value of a storage variable in a smart contract, does not require the execution of code, and therefore does not require paying gas.

However, there are some cases where reading data from the blockchain may require paying gas fees. For example, if the data you are trying to read is stored in a smart contract and the smart contract’s function that retrieves the data requires the execution of code, then gas fees will be required. Also, if you are using a decentralized storage solution like IPFS, you might have to pay gas fees for reading the data from the storage node.

Also, keep in mind that some dApps and web3 wallets require a small amount of ETH to be sent to the wallet as a form of security. This is not a gas fee, but rather a security deposit required to interact with the dApp.

How can we avoid gas fees in blockchain?

There are a few ways to avoid gas fees when interacting with the blockchain:

  1. Use a testnet: The most popular Ethereum testnet, Rinkeby, allows developers to test their smart contracts and dApps without paying real gas fees.
  2. Optimize smart contract code: Gas fees are determined by the amount of computational resources needed to execute a smart contract. By optimizing the smart contract code, you can reduce the amount of gas required to execute the code.
  3. Batch transactions: Instead of sending multiple transactions separately, you can batch them together in a single transaction. This can help to reduce gas fees.
  4. Use a gas token: Some projects have created their own gas tokens that can be used to pay for gas fees. These tokens can be obtained at a lower price than the standard gas fee.
  5. Use a service that pre-pays gas: Some services such as Infura and Alchemy allow you to pre-pay for gas, enabling you to perform multiple actions without having to pay for gas separately for each action.
  6. Use off-chain solutions : you can move some of your data or computation off the blockchain and save on gas fees. For example, state channels or sidechains, can be used to keep the data off the blockchain and only use the blockchain for the final settlement.

Keep in mind that these are general suggestions and the best approach depends on the specific use case and the nature of the application.

What is the advantage of using infura or alchemy in blockchain?

Infura and Alchemy are both services that provide developers with access to the Ethereum blockchain without the need to run their own full node. They offer a number of advantages over running a personal node:

  1. Scalability: These services can handle a large number of requests, allowing developers to easily scale their applications as needed.
  2. Reliability: By using a service like Infura or Alchemy, developers can ensure that their application will remain up and running even if their personal node goes offline.
  3. Security: These services provide a level of security that may not be possible when running a personal node, as they are able to handle potential threats such as DDoS attacks.
  4. Cost-effective: By using these services, developers can save on the costs associated with running a personal node, such as server hosting, electricity, and maintenance.
  5. Easy to use: These services provide a simple and easy-to-use API, so developers can focus on building their application without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.
  6. High availability: These services have multiple nodes spread around the world, so you can connect to the nearest node which will minimize the latency, and even if one of the node goes down, you can still connect to other nodes.

Overall, Infura and Alchemy are useful tools for developers who want to build decentralized applications on the Ethereum blockchain without having to maintain their own infrastructure.

What are the different types of blockchain?

There are several different types of blockchain technology, which can be broadly categorized into the following types:

  1. Public blockchains: Public blockchains, such as the Bitcoin and Ethereum networks, are open to anyone and allow anyone to participate in the network, read and write data, and validate transactions. They are decentralized and operate on a proof-of-work or proof-of-stake consensus mechanism.
  2. Private blockchains: Private blockchains, also known as consortium blockchains, are permissioned networks where only a specific group of people or organizations have the right to read or write data and validate transactions. They are typically used in enterprise or consortium settings where the participants are known and trusted.
  3. Federated blockchains: Federated blockchains, also known as consortium blockchains, are similar to private blockchains in that they are permissioned networks. However, unlike private blockchains, in federated blockchains, the validation of transactions is done by a group of pre-approved nodes, rather than a single entity or organization.
  4. Hybrid blockchains: A hybrid blockchain is a combination of both public and private blockchains. They allow for selective transparency and privacy, depending on the use case.
  5. Sidechain: A sidechain is a separate blockchain that is linked to the main blockchain. It allows for the transfer of assets between the main blockchain and the sidechain, providing more flexibility and scalability to the main blockchain.
  6. Multi-chain: A multi-chain system is one which multiple blockchains are connected to each other, allowing for cross-chain communication, and data transfer between them.

These are the main types of blockchain, but the technology is constantly evolving, and new variations are being developed.

Are there gas fees in private block chain?

Gas fees are a mechanism used to pay for the computational resources needed to perform operations on the blockchain.

In private blockchains, the validation and consensus mechanism is typically handled by a group of known and trusted participants, rather than being open to the public. This means that the computational resources required to validate transactions and maintain the network are typically provided by the participating organizations, rather than by a decentralized network of miners or validators.

Therefore, the concept of gas fees, as it is used in public blockchains, may not be relevant in private blockchains, as the participating organizations may not charge each other for the use of computational resources. However, it is possible for an organization running a private blockchain to charge for access or usage of the network, and in that case, the fees would be similar to gas fees in a public blockchain.

That being said, it is important to note that private blockchains can have different governance models and fee structures, so the answer may vary depending on the specific private blockchain implementation.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of blockchain.

Public blockchains:


  • Decentralized and open to anyone, making it more secure and resistant to censorship.
  • Transactions are recorded on a public ledger, making it transparent and tamper-proof.
  • No need for a central authority or intermediary.


  • Transactions can be slow and expensive due to the proof-of-work consensus mechanism.
  • Privacy can be an issue as all transactions are recorded on a public ledger.
  • It can be difficult to change the protocol, as it requires the consensus of the entire network.

Private blockchains:


  • Higher scalability and faster transaction processing times.
  • Greater control and security as only a specific group of participants have access to the network.
  • Better suited for specific use cases where participants are known and trusted.


  • Centralized control and a lack of transparency.
  • May be less secure than public blockchains, as it is vulnerable to attack from malicious actors with access to the network.
  • Limited decentralization and not open to the public.

Federated blockchains:


  • Greater scalability and faster transaction processing times.
  • Greater control and security as only a specific group of participants have access to the network.
  • Better suited for specific use cases where participants are known and trusted.
  • Additional layer of security with multiple validation nodes


  • Centralized control and a lack of transparency.
  • May be less secure than public blockchains, as it is vulnerable to attack from malicious actors with access to the network.
  • Limited decentralization and not open to the public.

Hybrid blockchains:


  • Combines the best features of both public and private blockchains.
  • Provides greater flexibility and scalability.
  • Allows for selective transparency and privacy.


  • May be more complex to set up and maintain than other types of blockchains.
  • May lack the security and decentralization of public blockchains.
  • May lack the privacy and control of private blockchains.



  • Provides more scalability and flexibility to the main blockchain.
  • Allows for the transfer of assets between the main blockchain and the sidechain.


  • May be more complex to set up and maintain than other types of blockchains.
  • Security of the main blockchain is dependent on the security of the sidechain.
  • Interoperability between different sidechains can be a problem



  • Provides more scalability and flexibility to the main blockchain.
  • Allows for the transfer of assets and data between different blockchains.
  • Can improve interoperability between different blockchains.


  • May be more complex to set up and maintain than other types of blockchains.
  • Security of the main blockchain is dependent on the security of the other chains.
  • Interoperability between different chains can be a problem

It’s worth mentioning that these are general characteristics and each blockchain implementation can have different features and behavior.

Typical Blockchain providers

Sure, here are some examples of blockchain providers for each type of blockchain I mentioned earlier:

Public blockchains:

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Private blockchains:

  • Hyperledger Fabric
  • Quorum
  • R3 Corda
  • Chain Core

Federated blockchains:

  • Stellar
  • Ripple

Hybrid blockchains:

  • Aion
  • Wanchain
  • ICON


  • Liquid (Bitcoin sidechain by Blockstream)
  • RSK (Bitcoin sidechain)
  • Matic Network (Ethereum sidechain)


  • Cosmos
  • Polkadot
  • Avalanche

These are just a few examples of blockchain providers for each type of blockchain, and there are many more available. It’s important to note that these providers may have different features and capabilities, and may be better suited for different use cases.

Typical open source blockchain providers

Most of the blockchain providers I mentioned earlier are open-source, meaning their codebase is publicly available for anyone to view, use, and modify. Here are the open-source blockchain providers from the list I provided earlier:

Public blockchains:

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Private blockchains:

  • Hyperledger Fabric
  • Quorum
  • R3 Corda

Federated blockchains:

  • Stellar
  • Ripple

Hybrid blockchains:

  • Aion
  • Wanchain
  • ICON


  • Liquid (Bitcoin sidechain by Blockstream)
  • RSK (Bitcoin sidechain)
  • Matic Network (Ethereum sidechain)


  • Cosmos
  • Polkadot
  • Avalanche

It’s worth mentioning that ChainCore is not open-source, but it provides a permissioned version of Corda.

Also, keep in mind that just because a blockchain provider is open-source, it doesn’t mean that the entire ecosystem (such as wallets, explorer, dApps) is open-source, it’s always good to check the different components of the blockchain ecosystem.

Is there any open source blockchain wallet?

Yes, there are many open-source blockchain wallets available. Here are a few examples:

  • MyEtherWallet (MEW) is an open-source, client-side interface for creating and managing Ethereum wallets. It allows users to generate a new wallet, store and manage their private keys, and interact with the Ethereum network.
  • Exodus Wallet is a free, open-source, multi-asset digital wallet that supports over 100 different cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. It also has a built-in portfolio management feature that allows users to track the value of their assets over time.
  • Jaxx Liberty is an open-source, multi-platform, multi-currency digital wallet that supports over 90 different cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. It also has a built-in portfolio management feature that allows users to track the value of their assets over time.
  • Ledger Live is an open-source, multi-platform, multi-currency digital wallet that supports over 1,500 different cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. It also has a built-in portfolio management feature that allows users to track the value of their assets over time.
  • Electrum is an open-source, multi-platform, Bitcoin-only digital wallet that provides users with a simple and secure way to manage their Bitcoin funds.

These are just a few examples, and there are many more open-source blockchain wallets available for different types of cryptocurrencies and platforms. It’s important to research and compare different options to find one that best suits your needs and security requirements.

Is the concept DAPP really correct

The term “DAPP” stands for “Decentralized Application,” and it is used to describe an application that runs on a blockchain network. The concept of a DAPP is correct, but the term itself is a bit of a misnomer. It is true that a DAPP is an application that runs on a decentralized network, but the term “Decentralized Application” can be applied to many other technologies that are not necessarily based on blockchain technology.

A DAPP is a software application that runs on a decentralized network, usually on a blockchain. It is an application that is open-source, autonomous, and decentralized, meaning that it is not controlled by a single entity and the data is stored on a distributed network. DAPPs are often decentralized alternatives to traditional applications that are controlled by a central authority.

However, it is important to note that the term “DAPP” is often used to refer specifically to applications built on the Ethereum blockchain. But, the concept of decentralized application can be applied to other blockchain platforms such as EOS, TRON, etc.

In summary, the concept of a DAPP is correct, but the term is somewhat misleading as it implies that all decentralized applications are blockchain-based, which is not the case.

Does cryptocurrency stay in a wallet or inside a block chain network?

Cryptocurrency is stored on the blockchain network, which is a decentralized, distributed ledger that records all transactions for a given cryptocurrency. Each cryptocurrency has its own blockchain, and the currency is stored on the blockchain as digital assets.

A digital wallet, also called a cryptocurrency wallet, is a software program that allows you to store, send, and receive digital currencies. A digital wallet typically contains a public address and a private key, which are used to access and manage the digital assets stored on the blockchain.

When you own a cryptocurrency, you don’t physically own the coins, but you own the right to access the coins and move them around. The coins are stored on the blockchain and your wallet allows you to manage your access to them. So, in summary, the cryptocurrency is stored on the blockchain network and a digital wallet is used to access and manage the digital assets stored on the blockchain.

Disadvantages of metamask?

Metamask is a popular browser extension and mobile application that allows users to interact with the Ethereum blockchain and manage their digital assets. While it offers many advantages, there are also some disadvantages to using Metamask:

  1. Security risks: As with any digital wallet, there is always a risk of losing access to your funds if your private key is compromised or lost. Metamask has implemented several security features such as seed phrase recovery, but users should still be aware of the risks and take measures to secure their private key.
  2. Limited to Ethereum blockchain: Metamask is only compatible with the Ethereum blockchain, so users are unable to use it with other blockchain networks.
  3. Gas fees: Metamask users are responsible for paying their own gas fees, which can be relatively high for certain transactions.
  4. Phishing attacks: As Metamask is a browser extension, it could be vulnerable to phishing attacks where users are directed to a fake website that looks like the real Metamask.
  5. Privacy concerns: Metamask collects some data, like your browser and operating system version, to improve its service, this data is anonymized and is not shared with any third-party. But still, some users may be concerned about privacy.
  6. Limited functionalities: Metamask is primarily a wallet, and while it provides some functionalities like interacting with dApps, it may not have the same functionalities as a full-fledged web3 browser.

It’s worth mentioning that these are general disadvantages and may not apply to everyone. Metamask has a wide user base and has been widely used, so it has a good reputation. However, as with any software, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons and determine if it’s the right fit for your needs. Additionally, it’s always a good practice to make sure you are using the official metamask website and/or application, and to be aware of phishing attempts. Also, it’s always good to keep your software updated and to have a backup of your seed phrase.

Is there any other wallet that overcomes the above disadvantages?

There are several other digital wallets that aim to overcome some or all of the disadvantages of Metamask:

  1. Hardware wallets: Hardware wallets, such as Ledger and Trezor, offer a high level of security by storing the user’s private key offline, making it much more difficult to compromise. They also support a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum, and have a user-friendly interface.
  2. Multi-chain wallets: Some wallets like MyEtherWallet, support multiple blockchains, not just Ethereum, which allows users to manage different digital assets.
  3. Non-custodial wallets: Some wallets like Trust Wallet, do not store user’s private keys, instead, they generate a new private key for each transaction, providing an extra layer of security.
  4. Gas Station Network: Some projects like Gas Station Network (GSN) aim to reduce the gas fees for users by pooling gas fees and using the pooled fees to pay for the transactions of the users who use the network.
  5. Decentralized wallets: Some wallets like Argent, are fully decentralized, meaning they do not collect any personal information, and the user has full control over his private key.

It’s important to note that each wallet has its own set of features, pros, and cons, and it’s always a good idea to research and compare different options before making a decision. Also, no wallet is 100% secure, so it’s important to take the necessary precautions to keep your assets safe and secure.

What are the components in a typical DAPP architecture

A typical DAPP (Decentralized Application) architecture typically includes the following components:

  1. Smart Contracts: Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement written directly into the code. They are the backbone of a DAPP and are responsible for storing and manipulating data on the blockchain.
  2. Front-end: The front-end of a DAPP is the user interface that interacts with the smart contract and allows users to interact with the DAPP. It can be built using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  3. Blockchain: The blockchain is the underlying technology that powers a DAPP. It provides the decentralized and tamper-proof ledger that stores all the data and transactions of the DAPP.
  4. Back-end: The back-end of a DAPP may include a variety of services such as databases, servers, and APIs that are used to support the front-end and interact with the smart contract.
  5. Interfacing libraries: Interfacing libraries like web3.js, are used to interact with the blockchain and facilitate communication between the front-end and smart contract.
  6. Oracles: Oracles are external data feeds that provide external data or information to the smart contracts. They can be used to access external data such as stock prices, weather data, and other information that is not stored on the blockchain.
  7. Token: Some DAPP uses a token as a means of exchange, it can be used to govern the network or to provide access to certain features.

This is a general overview and the specific components of a DAPP architecture may vary depending on the particular DAPP and the blockchain platform it is built on. Some DAPPs may also include additional components such as off-chain storage solutions, identity management systems, and other services that are used to support the DAPP’s functionality.

It’s also worth noting that a DAPP can be built on top of a blockchain protocol or can be integrated with different blockchain protocols, depending on the use case. This can lead to different variations of the architecture.

It’s important to keep in mind that the DAPP architecture is still evolving, and new technologies, protocols, and solutions are constantly being developed to improve scalability, security, and user experience. As a result, the components of a typical DAPP architecture are likely to change over time.

How can I create my own private Blockchain

There are several ways to create your own private blockchain, here are some general steps that you can follow:

  1. Choose a blockchain platform: There are several blockchain platforms available, such as Ethereum, Hyperledger, and EOS. Each platform has its own set of features and capabilities, so it’s important to choose one that best fits your needs.
  2. Set up the network: Once you have chosen a platform, you will need to set up the network infrastructure. This includes configuring the nodes, setting up the consensus mechanism, and establishing the network parameters.
  3. Develop smart contracts: Smart contracts are self-executing contracts that are used to store and manipulate data on the blockchain. You will need to develop smart contracts that are specific to your use case.
  4. Deploy the network: Once you have set up the network and developed the smart contracts, you can deploy the network to the nodes. This will make the network live and ready for use.
  5. Develop the front-end: The front-end of a blockchain application is the user interface that allows users to interact with the blockchain. It can be built using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  6. Test the network: Before going live, it’s important to thoroughly test the network to ensure that it is working as intended and that there are no bugs or vulnerabilities.
  7. Go live: Once the network is tested and ready, you can go live and start using your private blockchain.

It’s worth noting that creating a private blockchain is a complex process and requires a good understanding of blockchain technology, smart contracts, and network infrastructure. It’s also important to keep in mind that maintaining a private blockchain can be resource-intensive, and you will need to consider factors such as scalability, security, and performance.

You may also consider using blockchain-as-a-service providers like Microsoft Azure, AWS, and IBM to create a private blockchain, this can save you time and resources.

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